What is a Change Maker? Do you have them in your organisation? What makes them different?

A Change Maker is a catalyst for change; people who lead and support your organisation to get from your current to a desired (and often vital) new place.  They will establish a stronger change capability for the future (a bit like A to B and beyond).

Change Makers will know how to be a role model, leading and delivering change.

They will be supporting and inspiring others to reach the vision.  This could be change via an Organisational Development programme, Leadership Development, Cultural Transformation, DEI, or Resilience to name just a few of the challenges organisations need to keep ahead of the curve in.  The success of all of these depends on the critical leadership skills that belong to a Change Maker.

The Change Maker’ is a solution that will guide you and your organisation through change. Most change projects are not one off, isolated events.  Any change causes ripples through the organisation and stakeholders for a long time.

Why The Change Maker?

We could have called this The Change Leader – but at The Change Maker Group we all agree that a Change Maker can be anyone.  What they need is the passion and resilience to deal with change (although we will give you tools to support you on the latter).  And of course the authority to influence – so you probably will be a leader.  Complex change may need a team of Change Makers but let’s start at the beginning – The Change Maker.

We take you through 6 critical change essentials for success:

  1. We help you create your organisation’s change journey to get the best results
  2. We make sure you are clear about your own change impact and strengthen your ability to collaborate with your teams and stakeholders with impact
  3. We teach you the Change fundamentals that will help you steer your change programme through the headwinds and tail winds
  4. We show you proven change tools and resources that will underpin successful change
  5. Our experienced Change Makers will help guide you through your journey to Change Maker
  6. We help you evaluate and measure your own progress to change

And then we make sure you have what you need to continue as a successful Change Maker in your organisation.

We asked what is a Change Maker – the more important question really is WHO are your Change Makers.  At The Change Maker Group we can identify who are going to be successful change makers and develop them to support a cohesive framework to sustain change momentum, collaboration, communication and accountability. We’re always here to help, but with your Change Maker skills you will be able to tackle anything.

How would this benefit your organisation?

Nicky Carew

Book a conversation now, or contact Nicky Carew.