Here at The Change Maker Group we are often asked about what we do. That’s easy: we develop the change capabilities of individuals, teams and organisations to lead and manage change. The question most potential clients are too polite to ask is, “So what?” This article aims to answer that, with an overview of why we offer. Astrid Davies writes…
We build change capability by supporting and developing Change Makers across organisations to shape and execute change with impact. We do this through helping our clients develop effective engagement, communications and resilience across their workforce.
All of our clients receive a bespoke service. After all, each will need to approach their change uniquely. For some, it is a total headache, an inconvenience for others. On the other hand, it can be an exciting opportunity. That is where we, at The Change Maker Group, sit. That is why we work with our clients to help them move into this final group too, along with their teams. Change offers a wealth of opportunities. It is our job to help our clients spot and harness them.
“So what?” Here’s what Change Maker!
What makes The Change Maker Group special is our range of unique tools, from which we curate solutions that fit our clients’ organisations like a glove. How do we know what that requires? We listen, observe and collaborate with clients to craft their particular change leadership programme. In fact, we love to work with clients to develop their own Change Makers from the talent and change skills they already have in their organisation. Co-creation is at the heart of how we work and how we bring such value to our clients’ workplaces.
Let’s have a look at some of those tools starting with our unique Change Maker Profile. This indicates the likely impact that individuals and teams will have on any change project. It shows where an individual’s natural strengths, energy and enthusiasm for change lie.
Specifically, the Change Maker Profile uses five critical change management ‘proclivities’ for everyone. Everyone is a blend of those proclivities. The balance of that blend helps us to help our clients to put people in the right roles at the right time, to deliver the real improvements and changes they need.
No other profile can better align people, processes and outcomes. It shows how everyone can have a role to play, in making change happen.
Listening to you
Another resource that you will not find anywhere else, is our DELTA diagnostic model. We use this to clearly understand our clients’ specific needs and requirements. It is a roadmap for change that puts people at the heart of the change process. This means leaders are enabled to understand and take the critical change leadership actions. We also use DELTA to instil the all-important leadership behaviours which are needed in every change programme, big or small.
DELTA takes the leaders on a change journey from Diagnose, Engage, Lead, Transform and Accelerate.
When we craft these programmes for our clients, the core activity in every assignment is coaching. We seek to help our clients create Change Makers of their own. These Change Makers develop through a series of coaching interventions, which help them to develop into curious, action orientated Change Makers who add value.
Our coaching draws on the outputs and experience from DELTA based sessions and Change Maker Profiling. We craft from this data a meaningful programme which embeds curiosity, action and adding value as a behavioural norm. As the whole point of coaching is to improve personal effectiveness, we work with our clients to make sure everyone benefits and understands their role in delivering the change programme.
We offer a range of different coaching methods (that’s a whole different blog!). However our coaching focuses on two specific areas where we are specialists.
The first is change leadership coaching, so our clients have leaders to deliver their desired outcomes. Secondly, we offer change and resilience coaching. This helps key influencers in our clients’ leadership team to coach and inspire their teams. That is particularly important in a change programme, which can be stressful for people in a range of different ways.
Our action learning sets embed the coaching leadership style so important to building an organisation’s readiness for change. These sets offer practical and relevant learning in a safe space, where leaders focus on specific change challenges in their day to day work. Action learning offers the opportunity to learn new skills and practice them too, supported by peers. We enjoy helping our clients build these powerful learning cohorts in their organisations.
And then what for Change Makers?
This overview of a few of our key resources will give you an insight into what makes The Change Maker Group a successful consultancy. Our clients love our tools, our methods and they value us as their trusted adviser. More than anything, however, they love the results they achieve as a result of our input.
The key point is that The Change Maker Group offers a range of approaches, delivered by expert change agents, and we never offer a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Our value is our agility, responsiveness and breadth and depth of expertise. Every solution is different, because every client is different AND because we really have the unique combination of expertise to make them different. THAT is the answer to “So what?”.
This may have made you curious to find out more about The Change Maker Group. Please follow any of the links in this blog to our website, where we give more details on how we do what we do, and so much more.
While you are on our website, please sign up to our newsletter (on the footer of the home page) and keep up to date on the best change thought and successes. And of course, if you would like to find out how to work with us, there’s an easy way to book a chat with us too.
Contact Astrid by email.